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Studio Notes

Filtering by Tag: mysticism


Leah Badertscher

Leah Campbell Badertscher, 2014, All Rights Reserved40x40 original, acrylic on canvas

Leah Campbell Badertscher, 2014, All Rights Reserved
40x40 original, acrylic on canvas

"Now, I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will — and hopefully sooner than we might think right now.

And to all of the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams."
                                                    Hilary Rodham Clinton


I've have deliberated and deliberated whether to tell the whole, HOLY story of this SHE RISING painting (I've told parts of it, including what you can read here) for quite some time.  It's time.

I believe this is one of the most important, powerful paintings I've created yet.  While this movement has always been a long time coming and relevant, I think we are just now seeing profound evidence of SHE RISING - and the need for those of us who know this is our work to commit to it fully. 

Even though my throat started to close up the moment I decided to share this, fortunately my fingers still work.  I've decided it's time, because this is a story that I know is not just my story. 

At the same time, it is also clear to me that this whole, holy story is not for everyone right now and that it would be unwise to share everything with just anyone who has two eyeballs, a browser, and can read.  The telling of this story is an entrusting of this story and so I want to use the miracle of technology to connect with who needs to hear this while also giving the story the honor it deserves.  Ideally, this would be told face-to-face with someone who is ready to hear it and who needs what it has to offer.  Or it would be told sitting around the fire with a trusted circle of souls who, upon hearing the story, know it is a part of the story their own heart told from the moment it first started to beat. 

And I know, and I knew it with every cell in my body throughout the creation of this painting, that there is one person in particular for whom this story and this painting are meant.  Even if I don't know exactly who they are, I know very much what this person is about, even if they haven't entirely owned it yet, and I know why this painting is an important, pivotal part of their story, even if it's something they won't know...until they do.    

For now, I will share a greater part of the story here and if you need to know the rest, I would love to share it with you.  You can email me at and we can set up a time to talk....

SHE RISING began long before I ever started painting, and I know that's because SHE RISING is so much more than a painting.  It is a movement, a swell in the conscious evolution of our human race.  It is a rising of the feminine, the divine feminine, not to overtake the masculine, but to allow for forgiveness, reconciliation, the possibility of wholeness (again, HOLINESS) and ultimately to create balance, peace, unity, higher consciousness and love as the norm for humanity and to the planet. 

When I first finished this piece a couple years ago, I first listed it for $5,000.  At that time, that was the most I'd ever sold a painting for but I knew there was something incredibly special about this one.  If you have been following my work for awhile or you really know me, I'm sure you are familiar with my beliefs and a way of being that you could describe as "practical mysticism" or "householder holiness."  So you probably also know that my approach to all of my creativity and art has a strong spiritual, mystical current to it.  But with this painting it was supercharged and so that's why, even though the ego part of me was freaking out to list a painting for that much money, my soul woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "It's not enough.  MORE is needed!" in a tone that was informing me that I should have much greater faith.  So, at 3 AM I changed the price to $10,000.  My ego continued to freak out but within two weeks, I had a face to face conversation with someone who was interested in buying it.  He wanted to know more of the whole story behind the painting.  I told him - not everything, because I still was trusting my intuition that I would know when it was the time to share the whole enchilada- and while he got it, we both then agreed that he was not the person to buy this painting.

Now my ego is freaking out that not only would I ask ten grand for a painting, but then I wouldn't sell it to someone who was willing to pay that.  And still my soul said, "We both know what we both know - you just won't admit it.  It's still not enough.  MORE is needed.  Can you be that courageous?" 

So, then, even though it felt like my ego was going to explode, I did what I teach all of my clients to do: 

"Know what you know, and you know who you really are, so now go BE it.  Go BE it, in the world out there, not just here tucked back safely in the dusty, dark recesses of your heart.  BECOME REAL in the world!" 

There have been many, many layers and different pieces - and triumphs and painful setbacks - in this BECOMING REAL process for me.  And selling a painting for $25,000 and telling the story here is only one part.  But a very significant part.

I realize for some that selling a painting for $25,000 and then sharing a story, on social media, that the art has mystical origins steeped in the divine feminine that are relevant to a massive invitation to shift human consciousness and move us all forward - women, men, children, all creatures, the environment- might be, to many people out there, including many people reading this, as far from "BECOMING REAL" as you can get.  I get that.  But I'm writing this anyway for those among you who know exactly what I'm talking about and for those of you who not only want to BECOME REAL for yourselves but who also understand the greater implications this has as you become the change you wish to see in the world and either lead from example and energy or from a more overt, visible, highly-leveragable position.

There is a reason and a story behind why this painting is $25,000 and why this painting is meant for a very particular someone who has it's core message and energies at the very core of their own deepest, greatest work in the world.  I will say this much, if you are interested in this painting, you are likely a leader in this SHE RISING movement.  My message to you would be that if you are currently holding back, now's the time to rise.  It's not enough, MORE is needed.  Be that courageous.  

And if you think this painting might be for you, please just message me at and we'll set up a time when I can share the whole, holy story with you and then you can decide.  

If you don't think this is your painting but you still want to step more fully into yourself and become real out there in the world - maybe even taking part in this SHE RISING movement - I'd love to have you join my RENASCENCE CO. community by signing up for my newsletter.  

Finally, you may have seen me mention this elsewhere, but as of November 9th, I am committing 10% of all profits from my art sales to charities.  Near and dear to my heart are charities that support women and children, so in the past my donations have included organizations like the YWCA, UNCHR (refugee support), and educational programs.  I am doubling down on these efforts now and am deeply moved to make #artforgoodnesssake and to make an even greater difference in the world!

No matter your political affiliation, the politics I care most about are the politics that has at the root of that very word, which is "the work of the people."  No doubt I believe in the divine energy and the mystical properties surrounding what it means to be alive at this time in history.  And I also believe in getting down to business, getting to work, getting our feet on the ground and our hands dirty and doing the work we came here to do.  This is very much what I mean by BECOMING REAL.  I don't think you can do it without getting your hands dirty and I don't think you can do it without having faith that you came here as a spiritual being to do human works - and with ever increasing love and compassion.  No matter how difficult, messy, bewildering and sometimes futile it might seem.  It is worth it.  Keep telling yourself that.

I want to end with an excerpt from a recent speech I'm sure we are all familiar with by now and that I believe is infused with that spirit of SHE RISING becoming very real in the world. 

I've had successes and setbacks and sometimes painful ones. Many of you are at the beginning of your professional, public, and political careers — you will have successes and setbacks too.
This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it.
It is, it is worth it.
And so we need — we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives. And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me: I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion.
Now, I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday someone will — and hopefully sooner than we might think right now.
And to all of the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.
Finally, finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me.
I count my blessings every single day that I am an American, and I still believe, as deeply as I ever have, that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strengthen our convictions, and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us.
Because, you know, I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that. You know, scripture tells us, let us not grow weary of doing good, for in good season we shall reap. My friends, let us have faith in each other, let us not grow weary and lose heart, for there are more seasons to come and there is more work to do.
